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​Throughout the year Worth County FBLA chapter performs a variety of community service projects and various fundraisers.  Click here to see what we've been up to.



Worth County FBLA  competes in the second largest State FBLA chapter in the nation. FBLA is the oldest student-business organization as well. Click here to learn more about our chapter and officers.​



60 different tests, projects, presentation competitions.


Districts > State > Nationals.

Will you be our next winner?


FBLA-PBL is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, and organized on local, state, and national levels. Business teachers, advisers, and advisory councils (including school officials, businesspeople, and community representatives) guide local chapters. State advisers and committee members coordinate chapter activities for the national organization.

The FBLA concept was developed in 1937 by Dr. Hamden L. Forkner of Columbia University. The first high school chapter was chartered in Johnson City, Tennessee on February 3, 1942. In 1958, the first PBL collegiate chapter was chartered in Iowa. The Professional Division, originally the Alumni Division, began in 1979. Joining FBLA-PBL in 1994 was the FBLA-Middle Level for students in grades 5-9.

Competitive Events Program
FBLA-PBL's National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Through state-based competition at the spring State Leadership Conferences, students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners then are eligible to compete for honors at the National Leadership Conference each summer.

Conferences & Seminars
FBLA-PBL sponsors conferences and seminars for members and advisers. These programs are designed to foster the development of business leadership skills.

National Leadership Conference
FBLA-PBL members have the competitive edge, as the best and brightest of FBLA and PBL convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. This four-day conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA-PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. FBLA-PBL has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students achieving national ranking.



Mrs. April Healy
Advisor since 2008



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As one community project we sell ads to local businesses and partner with the multimedia class to design a  basketball season schedule poster.


Throughout the course of the year the FBLA will take up various volunteer projects.  Such as collecting food for the local food bank, helping with the PTO carnival, and entering data for MO CHIP child identification program. 


One of the main events of FBLA is the annual District Leadership Conference.  A student can take on up to 3 different tests, projects, or presentations.  There are over 60 different competitive events to choose from.  Some are objective online tests, such as: Business Math, Business Communications, Business Law, and Sports Management.  Some are team projects, such as: Digital Design and Promotion, Video Editing, Website Design, and Marketing.  Others are individual or group presentations, such as: Business Ethics, Job Interview, Business Presentation, and Electronic Career Portfolio. 

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